2017 FOSSILs4Teachers! Professional Development Landing Page

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This event was organized and led by Jeanette Pirlo

The goal of this workshop was to connect K-12 educators with fossil clubs to help them better integrate fossils into their classrooms. Members of fossil clubs also brought with them fossils to share with the educators so they had their own specimens to bring home with them.

The goals for the 2017 Fossils for Teachers Professional Development were:

  1. To increase collaboration between professional or amateur paleontologists and K12 educators.
  2. To provide actual fossils that can be used in the classroom.
  3. To develop lesson plans using fossils and paleontology and related subjects. (For example geologic time, evolution and climate change).
  4. To increase your general knowledge of fossils and paleontology

Materials about or for the event:

Application (no longer accepting applicants)

Working Agenda

Newsletter Education Article about the event written by Danielle Brennan

Connecting Fossil Clubs with K-12 Teachers, Connected Science Learning publication

Lesson Plans developed by educators and paleontologists:


Group photo of FOSSILs4Teachers! participants. Photo by Jeff Gage.

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