
  • Matt Griffin posted a new specimen in the group Group logo of What is it?What is it? from the myFOSSIL app 1 year, 5 months ago

    1 year, 5 months ago
    1 year, 5 months ago

    Matt Griffin has contributed specimen mFeM 137855 to myFOSSIL!

    • Awesome! Where’d you find it? Looks like just odds and ends of brachiopods. If you didn’t already, I’d recommend taking a soft toothbrush and some water to it to get rid of some of the dirt. I find similar stuff upstate NY, all a part from the Devonian era when things were underwater in the region

    • holly-romanek Thanks for responding. I found them on the side of the road in Kentucky. Bullitt county to be exact. I also have a little over 3 acres of land in the woods that has coral everywhere. .