
  • Kenneth Church posted an image in the group Group logo of What is it?What is it? from the myFOSSIL app 1 year, 1 month ago

    1 year, 1 month ago
    1 year, 1 month ago

    Found in middle Tennessee. Thoughts?

    • the fossil you found is likely a type of segmented plant stem, such as those found in horsetails (genus Equisetum) or clubmosses (class Lycopodiopsida).

      The stacked segments and tapering shape are characteristic of these types of plants. The fact that the segments are delineated by lines also supports this identification, as many species of horsetails and clubmosses have distinctive ridges or lines on their stems.

      The brown sedimentary rock that the fossil is found in could also provide some clues about its age and origin. If it’s a sandstone, it could be from the Pennsylvanian or Permian periods, when horsetails and clubmosses were abundant. However, without further information about the rock type and location, it’s difficult to make a more specific determination.

    • Looks like the fossil of a worm to me man. It’s cool what ever it is!

    • How did you find it? I am going on an expedition in Nashville today”