
  • Kyle Griffiths posted an image in the group Group logo of What is it?What is it? from the myFOSSIL app 3 years, 11 months ago

    3 years, 11 months ago
    3 years, 11 months ago


    • @mackenzie-ross-2 take a look at this one, any thoughts?

    • Hi, @kyle-griffiths, generally, prehistoric and indigenous arrowheads have distinctive chip marks on the edges where the toolmaker chipped off flakes to make them sharper. They also tend to have an “axis” down the center (an area of the stone that is thicker than the rest). They also tend to be made of chert or obsidian, depending on the location! This does not look quite like an arrowhead to me, but can I ask what site you found it at? If you are curious about what arrowheads and other projectile points look like here’s a good resource for IDing them based on location:!

    • It’s looks man made for sure. Nice find!