
  • Lisa Lundgren joined the group Group logo of Red River PaleontologyRed River Paleontology 7 years, 7 months ago

    7 years, 7 months ago
    7 years, 7 months ago
    • Welcome to the group, Lisa! Red River Paleo is a small company that digs in Texas mostly, Lower Permian/Upper Pennsylvanian is my specialty so far, with a bit of Triassic.

    • Thanks, @evan-taylor! I have some Texas fossils from a field trip I took with the Dallas Paleo Society last October but (shame on me!) I can’t remember the age. Anyway, glad you’re on myFOSSIL. It’d be awesome to see some more Texas fossils on the site. @don-megahan has uploaded a lot of Texas fossils, are they from similar ages that you dig in?

    • Thanks, Lisa Lundgren for opening the discussion with me. Over the years I have collected from many sites in Texas. My primary collecting and study is from the Claiborne Group of east and central Texas. Secondarily from the Pennsylvanian and Permian from the Mineral Wells, Cisco, & Jacksboro area. I have collected some from the cretaceous around Dallas but unlike most of the collectors in DPS the cretaceous is least attractive to me except the echinoderms. Where do you live? I did not know we have Triassic in Texas which might add to my way too big collection. My eight year old grandson might be interested in collecting some unusual material as well as do I. I am 73 years old and have destroyed most of my joints collecting, but we only live once. Anyway, I would like to see your collection – I don’t know how we can arrange it. Is it possible for you to come to the Dallas Paleo meeting, second Wednesday at Brookhaven College. I am certain that collectively we can identify most of your material.

    • @llundgren It appears @don-megahan collects in the Eocene, and I’m more of a Permian person.

    • Well, I wish I knew more about the Permian. I don’t know good collecting sites and I don’t know anyone who does.

    • @don-megahan You’re welcome! I live in Florida right now. I am one of the graduate students on the FOSSIL Project and was able to come to Dallas for a mini conference last year. We’re flying back from a conference today, but I will upload some of the specimens I collected at Jacksboro on one of the DPS field trips and tag you in them so you’ll be able to see some of the stuff I collected. Thanks for the ID offer!