Lesson Plan Poster: Evaluation and Communication of Fossil Evidence

♦ SUMMARY: Evaluation and Communication of Fossil Evidence – A lesson created by Rachel Aguilar (@rachel-aguilar) and Jennifer Bauer (@jbauer)

♦ AUDIENCE: 9-12, High School, Ninth (9th) Grade, Tenth (10th) Grade, Eleventh (11th) Grade, Twelfth (12th) Grade

♦ TOPICS/THEMES: Evolution, Fossils, Paleontology, Geology, Biostratigraphy, Scientific Evidence, Sedimentary Geology, Stratigraphy

♦ INSTRUCTIONS: Click on the link below to access the poster of the lesson. Please contact the author with any questions.


Lesson Plan Poster: The Testudine Shell Shape – A True Test of Time

♦ SUMMARY: The Testudine Shell Shape – A True Test of Time – A lesson created by Stephanie Killingsworth (@skillingsworth), Jennifer Manner (@jennifer-manner), Paul Kester (@paul-kester), and David Lindberg (@david-lindberg)

♦ AUDIENCE: 6-8, Middle School, Sixth (6th) Grade, Seventh (7th) Grade, Eighth (8th) Grade

♦ TOPICS/THEMES: Turtles, Tortoises, Paleontology, Fossils, Biology, Morphology, Anatomy, Evolution

♦ INSTRUCTIONS: Click on the link below to access the poster of the lesson. Please contact the author with any questions.

Manner Poster

Resource: GABI RET Florida June 2016

♦ SUMMARY: This powerpoint discusses an introduction to the Great American Biotic Interchange (GABI) as it pertains to the North American side of the story. It was prepared for the K-12 RET (Research Experiences for Teachers) fossil dig that occurred near Gainesville FL In June 2016.

♦ AUDIENCE: K-12, Elementary School, Middle School, High School, Kindergarten, First (1st) Grade, Second (2nd) Grade, Third (3rd) Grade, Fourth (4th) Grade, Fifth (5th) Grade, Sixth (6th) Grade, Seventh (7th) Grade, Eighth (8th) Grade, Ninth (9th) Grade, Tenth (10th) Grade, Eleventh (11th) Grade, Twelfth (12th) Grade

♦ TOPICS/THEMES: Scientific Method, Panama Project, GABI RET, Evolution, Geology, Paleontology, Biology, History, Fossils, Paleoclimate, Paleoenvironment, Climate, Environment, Extinction, Migration, Field Work

♦ INSTRUCTIONS: Click on the link below to access the powerpoint of the lesson. Please contact the author with any questions.
