Category: K-12
Lesson Plan: Anatomical Similarities and Differences Between Modern and Ancient Humans Using Fossil Evidence June 26th, 2017 by Jeanette Pirlo
♦ SUMMARY: Anatomical Similarities and Differences Between Modern and Ancient Humans Using Fossil Evidence – A lesson created by Molly Shaw (@mollydeich) and Luke Webb ♦ AUDIENCE: Sixth (6th) Grade, Middle School ♦ TOPICS/THEMES: Archaeology, Anthropology, […] |
Lesson Plan: Mammal Skull vs Reptile Skull May 23rd, 2017 by Jeanette Pirlo
♦ SUMMARY: Mammal Skull vs Reptile Skull – A lesson created by Rebecca Mussetter ♦ AUDIENCE: Third (3rd) Grade, Elementary School ♦ TOPICS/THEMES: Scientific Method, Classification, Measurement, Taxonomy, Creative, Hands-On, Morphology, Mammals, Reptiles, Fossils, […] |
Lesson Plan: Dissecting “Battle of the Americas” May 15th, 2017 by Jeanette Pirlo
♦ SUMMARY: Dissecting “Battle of the Americas” – A lesson created by Julie Hughes (@julie-hughes) and Stephanie Killingsworth (@skillingsworth) ♦ AUDIENCE: 6-8, Middle School, Sixth (6th) Grade, Seventh (7th) Grade, Eighth (8th) Grade […] |
Lesson Plan: How Big Was Megalodon? May 3rd, 2017 by Eleanor Gardner
♦ SUMMARY: How Big Was Megalodon? – A lesson by PaleoTEACH, Victor Perez (@vperez) and Megan Hendrickson (@mhendrickson) ♦ AUDIENCE: 6-8, Middle School, Sixth (6th) Grade, Seventh (7th) Grade, Eighth (8th) Grade […] |
Lesson Plan: Changing Climates and Evolutionary Responses Preserved in the Fossil Record April 4th, 2017 by Eleanor Gardner
♦ SUMMARY: Changing Climates and Evolutionary Responses Preserved in the Fossil Record – A lesson plan by Geoscientist-in-the-Park Gina Roberti (@groberti) ♦ AUDIENCE: 9-12, High School, Ninth (9th) Grade, Tenth (10th) Grade, […] |
Resource: Paleontological Society Outreach & Education Grants February 16th, 2017 by Eleanor Gardner
The Paleontological Society Outreach and Education Grant provides support to members for programs and activities involving educational outreach and community engagement. Potential fundable projects include, but are not limited to, […] |
Resource: National Fossil Day August 14th, 2016 by Shari Ellis
Get ready for National Fossil Day! The National Park Service and the American Geosciences Institute are partnering to host the National Fossil Day on October 17, 2018 Earth Science Week. National […] |
Resource: GABI RET Florida June 2016 June 24th, 2016 by Kent Crippen
♦ SUMMARY: This powerpoint discusses an introduction to the Great American Biotic Interchange (GABI) as it pertains to the North American side of the story. It was prepared for the K-12 […] |
Paper: Using Fossil Teeth to Study the Evolution of Horses in Response to a Changing Climate February 2nd, 2016 by Eleanor Gardner
♦ SUMMARY: This paper, co-authored by UF Curriculum and Instruction PhD student Julie Bokor (@jbokor) and two high school biology teachers, Jennifer Broo (@jbroo) and Jessica Mahoney, was published in the February 2016 […] |
Resource: Digital Atlas of Ordovician Life: Resources for Teachers November 12th, 2015 by Eleanor Gardner
♦ SUMMARY: Check out this fantastic set of resources for teaching paleontology in K-12 classrooms! Students can examine the ancient oceans of Ohio, investigate ecosystem dynamics using fossils from the Cincinnati […] |