Reply To: Supporting women in paleo

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Eleanor Gardner

Ah, shoot, I somehow didn’t get the notification that you’d replied @kate-griener!  My apologies.  If you’d like to watch the recording of the first Women in Paleo webinar, you can find it here:  The next webinar will take place on Feb 22 with Dr. Brenda Hunda of the Cincinnati Museum Center.  The remaining two webinars in the series will be on March 29 and April 26.  To join the live webinars, just connect at and enter as a guest with your name.  Note: we use AdobeConnect conferencing software which requires Flash Player.

I believe that @bmacfadden recently read Shelley Emling’s book, too, and I think he co-led a trip to Lyme Regis to trace Mary Anning’s footsteps.  Bruce has mentored quite a few female graduate students over the years.  How have you taken steps to avoid unconscious bias against women in science, @bmacfadden?

, I think it is great that you had excellent role models throughout your life.  A paper I read last year indicated that when girls and young women are exposed to a variety of female role models in science *and* are provided with encouragement/support, they are significantly more likely to pursue a career in STEM.  Sounds like you got the perfect mix. 🙂  What is your average day on the job like (do you have an “average day”?)?