Reply To: Geologic Time Scale Activities: Which works best?

Homepage Forums K-12 Fossils and Lessons Forum Geologic Time Scale Activities: Which works best? Reply To: Geologic Time Scale Activities: Which works best?

Jeanette Pirlo

Hey @alicia-foy @gail-alaimo @nina-corley @denise-porcello @scott-flamand @ginny-switt @gretchen-miller @tricialynn-glotfelty @mhendrickson @skillingsworth @maggie-paxson @tmorgan @vperez @rebecca-mussetter @tredina-sheppard

have you taught the geologic time scale?  And if so, what type of activity did you use?  Did you find it effective?  After doing your activity, did you think of how you’d like to improve on your activity?


Let us know!
