Reply To: Help with some teeth from Sharktooth Hill (Bakersfierld, CA)

Homepage Forums What Is It? Help with some teeth from Sharktooth Hill (Bakersfierld, CA) Reply To: Help with some teeth from Sharktooth Hill (Bakersfierld, CA)

Bill Heim


Note: Cosmopolitodus is now Carcharodon.    The images are clickable which brings up a page on the genus (including ones not found in STH).  I don’t believe there are any Negaprion found in STH.

As for your image:  A5 is Isurus oxyrinchus, the remainder of the A row I would have to examine in person; B3, B4, B5 are Carcharhinus; C row is Carcharodon hastalis; D2, D3 are lower C. hastalis; D4 is lower C. planus; E4, E5 are C. hastalis, the remainder I would have to see;  F1, F3, F4, F5 are C. hastalis, F2 is lower C. planus.

I recommend looking at the extant (modern) dentitions as a guide to separating genera:

Bill H.