Reply To: FOSSIL Newsletter

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Bill Heimbrock

I personally have very little free time to be a Myfossil Newsletter editor. I’m having trouble keeping up with the and websites because I do the “Cincinnati Fossils” kits  and the resin and plaster 4.5 inch trilobite casts that we now offer to various local shops.  I’m sure Jack would love to have a real Dry Dredgers Bulletin editor. He has been standing in as editor (and doing a great job with it) after Greg Hand retired and no one in the club stepped forward to take over the job.

We should prepare a Dry Dredgers Bulletin article explaining the situation with sustaining Myfossil and asking for volunteers for newsletter editor and specific positions related to the newsletter.

@jbauer how long do we have before we loose the UF staff? What will be the situation and level of involvement of the existing key individuals after the funding cessation? If the Dry Dredgers membership had a clear picture of the situation it may be easier to motivate people to help.
@joyce-drakeford  @lmccall  @jkallmeyer  @lcone