Reply To: FOSSIL Newsletter

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Jennifer Bauer

Hi, @joyce-drakeford

It would be excellent if you would be the lead coordinator. I think you will still need to recruit several volunteers to help manage the content. So, we have an ad going out in the next Dry Dredgers bulletin – thanks to @bheimbrock – and we have a social media announcement for volunteers that is going out on Monday. Everything will lead them to this forum so the conversation can continue. We did very minor edits on the actual articles but the role as editor was to combine the articles into the newsletter and have a little introductory page. But the structure of the newsletter is open to change to however the volunteer team can best create and distribute the newsletter. We have been using Adobe InDesign and MailChimp but this also may not be possible given limitations of the volunteer team and lack of formal institutional support.

has a broad network of paleontologists but he also has a lot on his plate right now. He may be a good liaison for finding folks to write articles but he also must guard his time and work toward his personal goals.