Green River Formation Artist Recreation?

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  • #16015
    Lisa Lundgren

    I’m using iDigPaleo (read the newsletter article about iDigPaleo here ) for an end-of-semester classroom project in my entomology course this semester. I’m going to introduce the concept of deep time and morphological change in insect orders to undergraduates. I want to introduce students to the environment of the Green River Formation without having them strictly read about it. I would like to use an artist’s depiction of the paleo environment, similar to one of the lessons in the Chewing on Change curriculum (the 3D horse teeth from @jbokor, @jbroo, @smoran, @bmacfadden). I think I can use the one in Chewing on Change that represents the Eocene (from the Natural History Museum, London) if necessary. However, I’m wondering if there is a depiction of the Green River Formation specifically. Any leads I can follow?

    @rboessenecker @dserratos

    Danielle Serratos

    I don’t personally know but I would ask Talia Karim at CU Boulder about that.

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