Maybe a fossil bone?

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    Raymond Jaquez

    Hello dear myFOSSIL members! Today I need some of your wisdom again to identify what I believe is a fossil bone. I thought it was a stone but after searching for the characteristics of the stone in the net I founded a lot of fossil bones pictures.

    Thank you in advance!

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    Kyle Quina

    Does it look porous like a bone would be?

    Raymond Jaquez

    Hi @kyle-quina, in some parts yes in others no, but maybe because is petrified. Here I post 2 more pictures with better quality.

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    Eleanor Gardner

    Hi, @raymond-jaquez – It doesn’t really look like a bone to me, more like a water-worn stone. Perhaps a chunk of travertine, if you found it in the Dominican Republic.

    or @smoran or @sholte might be able to determine whether or not it is bone.

    Victor Perez

    I agree with Eleanor. This one looks more like a stone than a bone.

    Raymond Jaquez

    Thank you @egardner and @vperez for the answer, this could be a stone for sure, if I find anything new about this piece I will let you know.

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