Madeleine Hayman

Madeleine Hayman

Monterey, CA



Madeleine Hayman

1. Your First Name:


2. Your Last Name:



Monterey, CA

Favorite Collecting Site(s) or Region(s)

Here on the central coast, there are fantastic finds of animal bones, especially marine mammals who are native to our coastline. However, it is not legal to keep whale or sea lion bones, it is incredible to see them.


I am a fourth-year university student studying evolution, ecology, and organismal biology. I have a passion for conservation and also preserving the past. My hobbies include going on hikes to find old rocks or bones on the California coastline to learn more about the area I am living in.

Affiliations and Relevant Organizations

I am a member of a student organization the Wildlife Conservation Society. I am also a member of the TWS and Eco-log!