What should I upload to myFOSSIL?
We want photos of all parts of the paleontological experience – you don’t have to use the available tags if your photo doesn’t seem to fit under any of them. The tags, if you do want a guideline of what to upload are:
Fossil – This tag indicates that this is a photo of a fossil! If you want tips for uploading a fossil to myFOSSIL, here is an infographic about the best fossil photoshoot practices.
Event – This tag is given to photos of an event – such as an organized dig, a museum event, a fossil themed celebration, or any other paleontological happening.
Collection site – This tag corresponds to photos of an area where fossils are collected – however, this photo can include things like sunsets over the spoil piles, or a (non-fossil) animal spotting at the dig site.
Method – This tag is for images with paleontological methods in them, like dry screening or using a rock hammer.
Here is a video to show you how to take a research grade photo of your fossil!