Reply To: K-5 lesson plans–Santa Cruz, California

Homepage Forums K-12 Fossils and Lessons Forum K-5 lesson plans–Santa Cruz, California Reply To: K-5 lesson plans–Santa Cruz, California

Bruce MacFadden


We are having problems about forum responses coming back into the forum, so I’m having to cut and paste–as follows–to move your comment into the thread:

“Do you want me to post about this before the field trip to encourage people to come or would you like me to post a follow-up post (or both?)
If you want a post encouraging people to come, can you provide me a little more info–like the location of the field trip? I can make something to encourage participation but I want to make sure I have all the details! 🙂
If you want a follow up post, would it be possible for someone (@smoran?) to provide some photos of the event? Preferably with the kids’ backs. If we have photos of their faces, we’d want to get parental permission to use the photos. Thanks! Looking forward to creating this.”