Reply To: K-5 lesson plans–Santa Cruz, California

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Bobby Boessenecker

Hi all and @bmacfadden, I had a successful two hour visit to Capitola yesterday and found some articulated Cetorhinus vertebrae, a dermochelyid turtle shell element (leatherback) as well as the full compliment of calianassid shrimp claws (7-9 specimens) and Dendraster sand dollars (about 7 specimens) you guys need. The shrimp claws are easy enough to put in the mail, but a bit of matrix is still in place on the Dendrasters; I can try and remove as much as possible.

Admittedly the bed which the calianassid claws are so common in was barely exposed owing to a lack of cliff collapses over the past 6-8 years or so; there hasn’t been a good fall since 2007.

Rather than mailing them, could I leave them at your future address in Santa Cruz?