
  • David Hanes posted a new specimen. 3 years, 9 months ago

    3 years, 9 months ago
    3 years, 9 months ago

    David Hanes has contributed specimen mFeM 78161 to myFOSSIL!

    • Wow, thats a fantastic find! Love the spines at the edge.

    • Patrick,
      I also found numerous turtle carapace edge pieces through out the site. But those edge pieces were so hard to combine into articulated specimens , and were more scattered out.

    • Patrick,

      When you collect your specimens in CA, do you have to dig them out of the matrix?
      Or, are they found loose in the matrix?


    • @david-hanes It depends on the locality, but generally, at least some preparation is necessary. Sometimes its just a light wash and scrub under water and sometimes an air scribe and air abrasive are needed.

    • Patrick
      Are there “open” fossil sites in the Baja Peninsula? Have you ever collected in the Baja Peninsula?

    • I have never collected in the Baja. The So Cal Paleo Society had a guest speaker that did a dig in Baja trying to recover a mammoth skull slated for a local museum. They had the requisite permits but it still ended up being kind of a nightmare. After that talk, I wasn’t too interested in going south of the border.

    • Hi @david-hanes! It seems like there are a number of mFeM numbers associated with this one specimen. I’d like to combine all of the other photos into this one upload (mFeM 78161) since they are all from the same individual and delete the other numbers associated with it. Could you add the other photos to this mFeM number? Thanks!

    • Sean,
      Yes I can.
      I will consolidate all the associated specimen images into Specimen number 78161 first, then delete the duplicate Specimens. All of the associated images represent an articulated assemby of the rear section on this turtle, including the neural and nucal plates. Let me know when you see all the ‘right’ and ‘left’ side images in the one specimen record 78161.
      Will this process be affected by any database record restrictions?
      I appreciate your help…

    • Thanks so much @david-hanes! This all looks good to me.