
  • Aktan Orhan posted a new specimen in the group Group logo of What is it?What is it? from the myFOSSIL app 4 weeks, 1 day ago

    4 weeks, 1 day ago
    4 weeks, 1 day ago

    Aktan Orhan has contributed specimen mFeM 162228 to myFOSSIL!

    • @aktan-orhan this appears to be a perissodactyl upper molar, and given the area you found it probably late miocene in age. Would you like me to send these photos to a scientist to learn more?

      P.S. Persiatherium in an advanced state of wear might look like this, though I’m no expert on perissodactyl teeth (I stick with sharks and primates!)

    • ty for comments. feel free to share photos.

    • Officially consider me totally green with envy. Congratulations to a special specimen.

    • ty 🙂