
  • Luke Kartak posted an image in the group Group logo of Nebraska BadlandsNebraska Badlands from the myFOSSIL app 4 years, 12 months ago

    4 years, 12 months ago
    4 years, 12 months ago

    Not sure what these teeth are from. Found them washed out of a river south central South Dakota.

    • @smoran might be able to help with I.D.!

    • Sure can! It’s a bovid (meaning cow or bison). I’m leaning towards cow but it’s a little hard to tell.

    • I guessed they were one of the two. They are a little bigger than teeth from a cow that died a couple years ago. Any way to tell which they are from pictures? Thanks for looking

    • Unfortunately, they are notoriously difficult to tell apart. One feature that is often used is that bison have a strong “stylid” (just a column of enamel between the two lophs) whereas in cows that is usually absent or reduced. The tooth below the tape measure and between the 9’ and 10’ increments shows me the view I need to see, but I don’t see a stylid there, so that’s why I’m leaning towards a cow. You can google “cow vs bison tooth stylid” to check out what that feature would look like. Hope that helps!

    • Ok thanks again