
  • Steve Koroll posted an image in the group Group logo of What is it?What is it? from the myFOSSIL app 5 months ago

    5 months ago
    5 months ago

    Unknown? #canada #ontario

    • There are small pieces of bone in the specimen. It is not very clear.

    • @lynette-luff Merci beaucoup! I thank you for taking the time to look and advise what these shapes actually are as i know quite little.

    • @lynette_luff May I ask a stupid question ? … how can you tell that there is bone in a piece of rock? It seems most of the stuff I have found are gastropods, cephalopods, trilobites, etc but if there is bone, that means it would need to be a fish or small amphibian perhaps, right?

    • * @lynette-luff ☝️ 🙏 thank you 🙏

    • Ive leant that looks like it has been coloured with pencil, Fine parallel lines. Or else where there is a section that been cut through there are thousands of tiny holes like its been poked with a very sharp pencil. I believe thats the most accurate description I have

    • I do not see any fossils in this rock unfortunately.